{ "culture": "en-NZ", "name": "", "guid": "", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "", "description": "Attributes associated directly with network:FieldTypeDescriptionCatareaRealWatershed area in m2CUM_Area RealArea upstream of a reach (and including this reach area) in m2.NzsegmentIntegerReach identifier to be used with REC2 (supercedes nzreach in REC1).nz_fnodeIntegerUnique number of preceding river segment's outlet node.nz_tnodeIntegerUnique number of following river segment's inlet node.LengthdownRealThe distance to coast from any reach to its outlet reach, where the river drains (m).HeadwaterIntegerNumber (0) denoting whether a stream is a \u201csource\u201d (headwater) stream. Non-zero for non-headwater streams.HydseqIntegerA unique number denoting the hydrological processing order of a river segment relative to others in the newtork.StreamOrderIntegerA number describing the Strahler order a reach in a network of reaches.euclid_distRealThe straight line distance of a reach from the reach \u201cinlet\u201d to its \u201coutlet\u201d.upElevRealHeight (asl) of the upstream end of a reach section in a watershed (m).downElevRealHeight (asl) of the downstream end of a reach section in a watershed (m).upcoordXRealEasting of the upstream end of a river segment in m (NZTM2000).upcoordYRealNorthing of the upstream end of a river segment in m (NZTM2000).downcoordXRealEasting of the downstream end of a river segment in m (NZTM2000).downcoordYRealNorthing of the downstream end of a river segment in m (NZTM2000).sinuosityRealActual distance divided by the straight line distancegiving the degree of curvature of the streamnzreach_rec1IntegerThe REC1 identifiying number for the corresponding\\closest reach from REC1 (can be used to retrieve the REC management classes)headw_distIntegerDistance of the furthermost \u201csource\u201d or headwater reach from any reach (m).Shape_lengthRealThe length of the reach (vector) as calculated by ArcGIS.SegslpmaxRealMaximum segment slope along length of reach.SegslpmeanRealMean segment slope along length of reach.LIDIntegerLake Identifier number(LID) of overlapping lake.ReachtypeIntegerA value of 2 is assigned if the segment is an outlet to the lake, otherwise 0 or null.nextdownidintegersegment number of the most downstream reach", "summary": "", "title": "REC Riverline", "tags": [], "type": "", "typeKeywords": [], "thumbnail": "", "url": "", "minScale": 0, "maxScale": 0, "spatialReference": "", "accessInformation": "", "licenseInfo": "" }