Description: Shows the physical road network in Marlborough.Built from OPUS dataset provided from RAMM in May 2019.Roundabouts and minor corrections made for purposes of cartographic display.RGB Symbology Settings:National 202 65 66Regional 207 139 45Arterial 79 114 130Primary Collector 107 167 174Secondary Collector 119 151 109Access 175 191 35Low Volume 231 231 223
Description: Shows the physical road network in Marlborough.Built from OPUS dataset provided from RAMM in May 2019.Roundabouts and minor corrections made for purposes of cartographic display.RGB Symbology Settings:National 202 65 66Regional 207 139 45Arterial 79 114 130Primary Collector 107 167 174Secondary Collector 119 151 109Access 175 191 35Low Volume 231 231 223
Description: Shows the physical road network in Marlborough.Built from OPUS dataset provided from RAMM in May 2019.Roundabouts and minor corrections made for purposes of cartographic display.RGB Symbology Settings:National 202 65 66Regional 207 139 45Arterial 79 114 130Primary Collector 107 167 174Secondary Collector 119 151 109Access 175 191 35Low Volume 231 231 223
Description: Shows the physical road network in Marlborough.Built from OPUS dataset provided from RAMM in May 2019.Roundabouts and minor corrections made for purposes of cartographic display.RGB Symbology Settings:National 202 65 66Regional 207 139 45Arterial 79 114 130Primary Collector 107 167 174Secondary Collector 119 151 109Access 175 191 35Low Volume 231 231 223
Description: This dataset consists of building outlines and is part of a pilot to understand the benefit of making building outlines data openly available through the LINZ Data Service.Building outlines are 2D shapes of the edge of a building as visible from aerial imagery, most commonly the roofline edge. It includes spaces such as decks, garages and porches. Each polygon represents a building outline. The outlines were extracted in June 2016 from orthoimagery using an automated process.Due to the automated capture process, there may be errors present in the data.This dataset was reprojected to account for land movement from the 2016 Kaikoura Earthquake on 4th March 2018 using a LINZ deformation model.
Description: This dataset consists of building outlines and is part of a pilot to understand the benefit of making building outlines data openly available through the LINZ Data Service.Building outlines are 2D shapes of the edge of a building as visible from aerial imagery, most commonly the roofline edge. It includes spaces such as decks, garages and porches. Each polygon represents a building outline. The outlines were extracted in June 2016 from orthoimagery using an automated process.Due to the automated capture process, there may be errors present in the data.This dataset was reprojected to account for land movement from the 2016 Kaikoura Earthquake on 4th March 2018 using a LINZ deformation model.
Description: This dataset was reprojected to account for land movement from the 2016 Kaikoura Earthquake on 4th March 2018 using a LINZ deformation model.
Description: Reserves as recorded in AMIS.Data includes the boundary of each reserve recorded in MDCs asset management system.This dataset was reprojected to account for land movement from the 2016 Kaikoura Earthquake on 4th March 2018 using a LINZ deformation model.
Description: <DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><DIV><P><SPAN>LIDAR derived ground hillshade of the Rai Valley area.</SPAN></P><P><SPAN>Created from LIDAR flown 23rd August to 6th September 2022.</SPAN></P></DIV></DIV></DIV>
Description: <DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><DIV><P><SPAN>Hillshade raster created from LIDAR DEM.</SPAN></P><P><SPAN>LIDAR was captured between 10/03/2020 and 15/02/2022.</SPAN></P><P><SPAN>The LIDAR is stored using the NZVD2016 vertical datum.</SPAN></P><P><SPAN>The supplier of the LIDAR was Aerial Surveys Ltd.</SPAN></P></DIV></DIV></DIV>