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Legend (DataPublic/Environment)

NIWA Fish Passage Data (84)
Weir Weir
Dam Dam
Culvert Culvert
Ford with culvert Ford with culvert
Ford without culvert Ford without culvert
Natural Natural
Bridge Bridge
Other Other
Unknown Unknown
Wairau Plains Aquifers (17)
Benmorven Aquifer Benmorven Aquifer
Brancott Aquifer Brancott Aquifer
Fairhall River Gravels Fairhall River Gravels
Lower Waihopai Aquifer Lower Waihopai Aquifer
Omaka Aquifer Omaka Aquifer
Omaka River Valley Omaka River Valley
Rarangi Aquifer Rarangi Aquifer
Taylor-Burleigh Aquifer Taylor-Burleigh Aquifer
Wairau River Aquifer Wairau River Aquifer
Well Point (51)
Water - Well / Bore Water - Well / Bore
Water - Infiltration Galley (Casing Site) Water - Infiltration Galley (Casing Site)
Monitoring - Level / Pressure Monitoring - Level / Pressure
Monitoring - Water Quality Monitoring - Water Quality
Geotechnical - Cone Penetration Test Geotechnical - Cone Penetration Test
Geotechnical - Hand Auger Hole Geotechnical - Hand Auger Hole
Geotechnical - Hand Auger / Scala Combo Geotechnical - Hand Auger / Scala Combo
Geotechnical - Machine Borehole Geotechnical - Machine Borehole
Geotechnical - Test Pit Geotechnical - Test Pit
Geotechnical - Other Geotechnical - Other
Wells (No Longer Exists) (79)
Water - Well / Bore Water - Well / Bore
Water - Infiltration Galley (Casing Site) Water - Infiltration Galley (Casing Site)
Monitoring - Level / Pressure Monitoring - Level / Pressure
Monitoring - Water Quality Monitoring - Water Quality
Well Line (52)
Water - Infiltration Gallery Water - Infiltration Gallery
Well Static Groundwater Level (0)
< -20m < -20m
-20m to -10m -20m to -10m
-10m to -5m -10m to -5m
-5m to -2m -5m to -2m
-2m to 0m -2m to 0m
0m to 1m 0m to 1m
> 1m > 1m
REC Riverline (85)
0 0
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
Freshwater Management Unit - Map 1 (53)
Benmorven Benmorven
Brancott Brancott
Lower Waihopai Lower Waihopai
Omaka Aquifer Omaka Aquifer
Omaka River Omaka River
Rarangi Shallow Rarangi Shallow
Riverlands Riverlands
Southern Springs Southern Springs
Taylor Taylor
Wairau Wairau
Wairau Aquifer Wairau Aquifer
Groundwater Level Monitoring Sites (24)
Wairau & Awatere Boundary (4)
Marlborough S-Map Soil Data (September 2024) (80)
Anthropic Soil Anthropic Soil
Brown Soil Brown Soil
Melanic Soil Melanic Soil
Gley Soil Gley Soil
Organic Soil Organic Soil
Pallic Soil Pallic Soil
Recent Soil Recent Soil
Raw Soil Raw Soil
Awatere Soils 2007 (5)
Aw Aw
Cb Cb
Dg Dg
Gm Gm
Mn Mn
Om Om
Rm Rm
Sb Sb
Wr Wr
Jd Jd
Bb Bb
Sm Sm
Sv Sv
Ug Ug
Dw Dw
Ma Ma
Mt Mt
Sd Sd
Sf Sf
Wa Wa
Ak Ak
Bl Bl
Ad Ad
Gb Gb
Pd Pd
To To
Wn Wn
Wairau Soils 2005 (6)
Aw Aw
Ep Ep
Gb Gb
Ka Ka
Mu Mu
Ra Ra
Ta Ta
Th Th
Wa Wa
Was Was
Wr Wr
Wrm Wrm
Bc Bc
Br Br
Sm Sm
Wt Wt
Jd Jd
Ha Ha
Wb Wb
Ki Ki
Ko Ko
Rn Rn
Mo Mo
Pap Pap
Gr Gr
Pa Pa
Sc Sc
Tm Tm
Tp Tp
Wi Wi
Urban Urban
Land Cover Database v5 (74)
Alpine Grass/Herbfield Alpine Grass/Herbfield
Broadleaved Indigenous Hardwoods Broadleaved Indigenous Hardwoods
Built-up Area (settlement) Built-up Area (settlement)
Deciduous Hardwoods Deciduous Hardwoods
Depleted Grassland Depleted Grassland
Estuarine Open Water Estuarine Open Water
Exotic Forest Exotic Forest
Fernland Fernland
Flaxland Flaxland
Forest - Harvested Forest - Harvested
Gorse and/or Broom Gorse and/or Broom
Gravel or Rock Gravel or Rock
Herbaceous Freshwater Vegetation Herbaceous Freshwater Vegetation
Herbaceous Saline Vegetation Herbaceous Saline Vegetation
High Producing Exotic Grassland High Producing Exotic Grassland
Indigenous Forest Indigenous Forest
Lake or Pond Lake or Pond
Landslide Landslide
Low Producing Grassland Low Producing Grassland
Manuka and/or Kanuka Manuka and/or Kanuka
Matagouri or Grey Scrub Matagouri or Grey Scrub
Mixed Exotic Shrubland Mixed Exotic Shrubland
Not land Not land
Orchard, Vineyard or Other Perennial Crop Orchard, Vineyard or Other Perennial Crop
River River
Sand or Gravel Sand or Gravel
Short-rotation Cropland Short-rotation Cropland
Sub Alpine Shrubland Sub Alpine Shrubland
Surface Mine or Dump Surface Mine or Dump
Tall Tussock Grassland Tall Tussock Grassland
Transport Infrastructure Transport Infrastructure
Urban Parkland/Open Space Urban Parkland/Open Space
Land Cover Database v5 (Condensed) (75)
Indigenous and Exotic Forestry Indigenous and Exotic Forestry
Pastoral Farming Pastoral Farming
Reserves/Native Bush Reserves/Native Bush
Scrub Scrub
Other Other
Cleared Land 2018 (77)
NZ Fundamental Soils (7)
Biological Technical Reports (18)
Building Technical Reports (19)
Marine Technical Reports (20)
Other Technical Reports (21)
Coastal Coastal
Freshwater Freshwater
Infrastructure Infrastructure
Other Other
Policy and Plans Policy and Plans
Soil Soil
Rural Fire District (40)
Blenheim Airshed (41)
Coastline (23)
Carrying Capacities 1960-61 (73)
Above 2.5 Above 2.5
2.1 - 2.5 2.1 - 2.5
1.6 - 2.0 1.6 - 2.0
1.1 - 1.5 1.1 - 1.5
1.0 and under 1.0 and under
Changes In Utilisation 1878-1962 (72)
Land Reverted to Crown Land Reverted to Crown
Other Ex-Farmland Other Ex-Farmland
Cleared Land 1910 (71)
Cleared Land 1880 (70)
Dominant Weeds 1963 (69)
Bracken Bracken
Tauhinu Tauhinu
Manuka Manuka
Heath Heath
Heath & Bracken Heath & Bracken
Heath & Other Heath & Other
Gorse Gorse
Gorse & Bracken Gorse & Bracken
Gorse & Other Gorse & Other
Rushes & Pasture Weeds Rushes & Pasture Weeds
Land Cover 1942-43 (68)
Barren Barren
Improved Pasture Improved Pasture
Range Pasture Range Pasture
Deteriorated Pasture Deteriorated Pasture
Scrub Scrub
Second Growth Second Growth
Exotic Forest Exotic Forest
Indigenous Forest Indigenous Forest
Land Cover 1961-62 (67)
Barren Barren
Cropland Cropland
Improved Pasture Improved Pasture
Range Pasture Range Pasture
Deteriorated Pasture Deteriorated Pasture
Scrub Scrub
Second Growth Second Growth
Exotic Forest Exotic Forest
Indigenous Forest Indigenous Forest
Land Utilisation 1961-62 (66)
Dairying Dairying
Fat Lamb Farms Fat Lamb Farms
Store Sheep Farms Store Sheep Farms
Private Recreational Private Recreational
Resort Recreational Resort Recreational
Indigenous Forestry Indigenous Forestry
Exotic Forestry Exotic Forestry
Scenic Reserves Scenic Reserves
Climate & Timber Reserves Climate & Timber Reserves
State Forests State Forests
Municipal Reserves Municipal Reserves
Private Unutilised Private Unutilised
Crown Unutilised Crown Unutilised
Land Utilisation 1961-62 (Condensed) (76)
Indigenous and Exotic Forestry Indigenous and Exotic Forestry
Pastoral Farming Pastoral Farming
Recreational Land Recreational Land
Reserves/Native Bush Reserves/Native Bush
Top Dressing 1960-61 (65)
4 tons superphosphate 4 tons superphosphate
8 tons basic slag 8 tons basic slag
40 tons lime 40 tons lime
Tsunami Inundation Risk GNS (22)
Orange Zone : 1-3m and 3-5m threat level warning - 500 year return period - includes the Red Evacuation Zone Orange Zone : 1-3m and 3-5m threat level warning - 500 year return period - includes the Red Evacuation Zone
Yellow Zone : > 5m threat level warning – “worst scenario” 2,500 year return period Yellow Zone : > 5m threat level warning – “worst scenario” 2,500 year return period
Mean Annual Rainfall - High Elevation Areas (10)
<= 800 <= 800
800 - 1000 800 - 1000
1000 - 1200 1000 - 1200
1200 - 1400 1200 - 1400
1400 - 1600 1400 - 1600
1600 - 1800 1600 - 1800
1800 - 2000 1800 - 2000
2000 - 2200 2000 - 2200
2200 - 2400 2200 - 2400
2400 - 2600 2400 - 2600
2600 - 2800 2600 - 2800
> 2800 > 2800
Mean Annual Rainfall - Low Elevation Areas (11)
<= 500 <= 500
500 - 550 500 - 550
550 - 600 550 - 600
600 - 650 600 - 650
650 - 700 650 - 700
700 - 750 700 - 750
750 - 800 750 - 800
800 - 900 800 - 900
900 - 1000 900 - 1000
1000 - 1250 1000 - 1250
1250 - 1500 1250 - 1500
> 1500 > 1500
Liquefaction Investigation Zone B (30)
Liquefaction Investigation Zone A (31)
Liquefaction Investigation Zone C (32)
Liquefaction Investigation Zone D (33)
Liquefaction Investigation Zone E (34)
Liquefaction Investigation Zone F (35)
Sea Level Rise Modelling (81)
Direct Inundation Direct Inundation
Indirect Inundation Indirect Inundation
CCU Boundaries (82)
CCCV Boundaries (83)