Description: This Council dataset records where pest plants have been found in the past by Council staff or through confirmed reports. Strong caution is advised as there may be other infestations in Marlborough that have not yet been captured in this dataset. If you suspect any other infestations that are not marked on this map, please contact the Biosecurity team at Council.
This dataset does not distinguish the density or nature of the infestation at a given site. A marked area could range from heavily infested to only scattered plants. Either way, there is still a spread risk from both.
Tags: biosecurity, environment
Description: Statutory Acknowledgement areas as provided by Office of Treaty Settlement, for Iwi in Te Tau Ihu (Top of the South Island).A Statutory Acknowledgement is a type of cultural redress frequently included in Treaty settlements between the Crown and a Maori claimant group. Statutory Acknowledgements are usually provided over Crown-owned portions of land or geographic features (such as lakes, rivers, wetlands, mountains or coastal marine areas). With respect to bodies of water such as lakes, rivers, and wetlands, the Statutory Acknowledgement excludes any part of the bed not owned or controlled by the Crown. A Statutory Acknowledgement recognises the particular cultural, spiritual, historical and traditional association of an iwi with the identified site/area.This type of redress enhances the ability of the iwi to participate in specified Resource Management Act 1991 processes. When a claimant group and the Crown reach agreement on a final settlement offer they enter into a Deed of Settlement setting out the terms of that settlement. Legislation is required to give effect to some elements of a Treaty settlement including Statutory Acknowledgements. A Statutory Acknowledgement involves: The settling iwi provide a statement of their association with the site/area of significance. This statement is recorded in the Deed of Settlement. The identification and description of the area over which the redress will apply. This is referred to in the legislation as the ‘statutory area’. The Crown then acknowledges the statement from the iwi in statute (the settlement legislation).
Service Item Id: 10bd9a660c8d41a7a4d2f85cc5b44982
Copyright Text: Data provided by Office of Treaty Settlement via Nelson City Council
Name: Property Revaluations 2023 - Property Movement
Display Field: PropertyAddress
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: Graphic definition of the property has been created from dissolve of LINZ land parcel data and matched to valuation information recorded in Councils property system.A Rating Valuation is only updated every three years for the purpose of your local council and established using a mass appraisal process. This is often used when buying and selling as an indicative price.
Description: Graphic definition of the valuation roll has been created from dissolve of LINZ land parcel data matched to valuation information recorded in Councils property system.A rating Roll is a group of rating valuations with similar characteristics and location.A Rating Valuation is only updated every three years for the purpose of your local council and established using a mass appraisal process. This is often used when buying and selling as an indicative price.
Service Item Id: 10bd9a660c8d41a7a4d2f85cc5b44982
Copyright Text: Marlborough District Council, Valuation information provided by QV New Zealand registered valuers